Tag Archives: Personal Development

How Did I Get Into This Mess? Available In Audio Book

how-did-i-get-into-this-mess-frtcvrASWIFTT PUBLISHING, LLC and Brenda Diann Johnson has just released the Audio Book version of “How Did I Get Into This Mess? You Compromised, Saith the Lord.

This book is now available in (3) formats which include Paperback, EBook, and Audio Book. How Did I Get Into This Mess? You Compromised, Saith the Lord is a spiritual self-help book that is inspirational, encouraging, educational and uplifting.

     Many Christians do not realize how dangerous it is when they compromise the word of God. This is especially true when we decide to live a lifestyle of compromise. God has provided a way for us to live in the Holy Bible. He wants us to have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) When we compromise it detours us off the path God has ordained for us.

     In “How Did I Get Into This Mess? “You Compromised Saith the Lord” you will read how and why we compromise the word of God. Brenda Diann Johnson provides encouragement and walks you through steps to get back on track with your Destiny.                  Audio Book     Paper Back     E Book 

     For more information on all (3) formats contact: aswifttbookpublishing@yahoo.com

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Filed under Education, Inspirational, Personal Development, Religion, Self Help

Time Management: Always a Hot Topic

Excerpt from page 20

Articles for Personal Growth and Development

by Brenda Diann Johnson  

I always have a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction when I get things done.  When I plan out my time daily and monthly it helps me stay on track with my goals.  My focus is then on purpose.  Each day I only focus on what is planned on my daily schedule while leaving room for emergencies.  This is important because sometimes unfortunate things happen even when things are well planned out.

     Sometimes unfortunate things can cause some goals to go uncompleted for a period of time.  In these instances don’t blame yourself, stay on track and pray for wisdom on how you should proceed. 

     For more information about Brenda, her books, classes or products visit: www.brendadiannjohnson.com

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Filed under Education, Personal Development, Self Help

Your Dreams Depend on Your Actions

Excerpt from page 14

Articles for Personal Growth and Development

“It’s Up To You To Get Your Dreams and Goals Moving”

Many people wonder why they never accomplish their dreams or goals.  Some continue to use the old popular saying “I am waiting for my ship to come in.” What ship are you talking about?  Your goals and dreams will never happen if you don’t sow labor into time.  This is the same concept when you sow or plant seeds into the ground.  You won’t receive a harvest of fruits and vegetables if you don’t sow seeds into the ground.  The same principle applies if you don’t sow labor or effort into time.  You won’t see the accomplishments or results of your dreams and goals. 

     Your accomplishments or results of your dreams and goals start with a PLAN.  The Random House College Dictionary states a plan is a method of action or procedure.  In a plan you write down what you will do to make your dreams and goals a reality.  Your plan is your road map to get to your desired destination. 

     For more information about Brenda, her books, products or services visit:



Filed under Book Review, Education, Inspirational, Personal Development, Self Help